Thank goodness the school I attend gives me the opportunity to visit a lot of things, places and interesting people, (or this blog moldy ahahaha!). Just last week I went to Rome to visit the MAXXI Zaha Hadid and the City of Music by Renzo Piano.
I found in that corner of Rome's what I was hoping to see two great works, that give me emotions.
"grow up", in fact, I'd really like to become a person like them. These two genes have in their heads a lot of innovative ideas, revolutionary, they are able to make a career in architecture get to enjoy world-class ... I challenge you, who would not be like them!
However, now Let's go in detail of the visit, which I think is the reason (I think) for which you clicked here, no?
The first work that I visited was the MAXXI and let me tell you one thing: WOW WOW WOW.
That is, you know that feeling of peace, love and endless joy that fills us after making a perfect little wave with the toothpaste on the brush? Well, that 'ecstasy multiply by 10!
The main facade does not depart much from the district in which it is leased, but just around the corner, BANG. crazy shapes, edges, tips, windows, pillars and stones, many stones. Told it may seem a jumble of elements thrown there without thinking, but nothing for Zaha Hadid is left to chance, everything has its own because, everything points to the final result, as a whole.
But the surprises do not end here and continue inside (a bit like the discounts in January ahahahaha!)
entering you have an extra sense of wonder when, raising his head, giving the illusion of being immersed in the infamous stairs Escher! Flights of stairs one above the other that views from the bottom have no meaning, but gradually that you ride, you understand their meaning, as if to want to connect thought and movement.
Another factor that has thrilled and amazed me was the game (of course studied), which takes place between light and shadow and dark parts alternate with dark areas lighted by huge windows, white walls are contrasted with black scales.
But alas, there is a sore point: the dark beauty of the building works that are very much exposed to it. Bad thing, but unfortunately true!

But now .. the next step! The city of music by Renzo Piano (also called the Park of music).
The first thing that needs to be emphasized is the fact that the project is the signing of superstars such as Renzo Piano, a factor that puts the awe in visitatori.Appena I entered, but, honestly, I felt a bit disappointed because I had perhaps a bit too high expectations. But not dermordiamo, beauty has yet to come.
First, the plant is very complex and is structured on three music halls respectively positioned on a raised semi-circle, one to the east, and the last one to the north west.
The shapes of the rooms, views from the outside, are very striking, of lutes would be theoretically positioned upside down, but are more commonly known as friendly and "Cockroach" (which in Rome means scartafaggi), because of their similarity to the insect!
But now we enter the first room: Santa Cecilia.
La delusione iniziale improvvisamente è scomparsa alla vista dell'interno di questa sala: ogni singola sedia, il contro soffitto, il palco, le tende e tutto ciò che c'era là dentro sembrava urlare "RENZO PIANO!". E a quella vista ti ricordi che non si diventa famosi per nulla.
Ogni singolo centimetro di quella sala è studiato nei minimi dettagli ai fini di migliorare la propagazione del suono al suo interno, ma la cosa che mi ha colpito di più è stata il contro soffitto formato da "gusci di legno" che permettono al suono di arrivare meglio allo spettatore.
Tutto è costituito da materiale fonoisolante e fonoriflettente, che all'occorrenza vengono scambiati l'un l'altro per ottenere una migliore acustica!
Le restanti due sale (Petrassi e Sinopoli), sono un ripetersi degli stessi canoni progettuali; l'unica differenza è il diminuire di posti per ognuna di essa.

Alla fine, devo dire che Zaha Hadid e Renzo Piano, seppur progettando in maniera completamente diversa dai miei standard, si conquistano entrambi un posto nel mio cuore da futuro, molto futuro architetto.
La morale? Se siete in zona, non potete perdervi questi due capolavori che custodiamo gelosamente in the Bel Paese!
See ya!
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