Friday, May 14, 2010

How To Make The Ps3 Guitar Connects To The Dongle


guard and hear me, tap and hold for me.
Loving you is my life.
Living next to you in hard every time in every moment,
important is to live, love and protect you like, a mother who protects
your child.
look in your eyes that glittered like two candles lit
my heart, to love and adore you for life.
're the melting of energy that fuels my existence,
the will to live and strength to love,
I look at your body, every part of you expressed a love poem,
every vote you give me emotions that I love you , because only you know
draw out from my body shiver of sweet agony.
I want you at all times in every moment because I need you,
I feel bad when you're not near me.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What Does The Ontario License Plate Say?

and if u want to, dance, dance, dance!

scattare, muoversi e ancora muoversi.
questo è il mio ritmo, fatto di sound elettrici, ., e che arriva al mio cervello fino a far muovere il

mio corpo al tempo of the same impulses.
ringing, trumpet, rumble in the room, the mass of people

slowing down to the sound of flash
3, 2, 1, go!
jump to the beat is just too fantastic!


to release, and still to move to move.
this is my rhythm, sounds made by electrical, and That It Arrives to

till my brain to move my body at the time of the examination impulses.

blast, bugle, boom on a dancefloor, the mass of persons
That slows it down at the time of examination flashes.

3, 2, 1, go!
jump to the rhythm is awesome!

Monday, May 3, 2010

How To Masterbate ? Women

real friendship never ends.

Avvolte penso che sia una fortuna essere biondi.
Giocare con le bombette e divertirsi ad attirare sguardi,
ecco qual'è il segreto: gli sguardi.
Perchè nonostante tutto, le persone ti guardano e puoi divertirti
a vedere le reazioni nei loro occhi, un bel gioco no credete?
Penso proprio di essere fortunato a essere biondo, almeno ho sempre
un bel gioco da fare.