Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Dancewear Dressmaking Patterns

Take a picture of this awsome summer.
do not you?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Hand Foot Mouth Disease Can You Get It Twice

Lo spam e la felicità

Even today, opening my mail, I found dozens of spam messages. But ....
I promised a longer penis and / or wide, they gave me Viagra and Cialis at bargain prices (normal use it with that monster penis), offered me a bonus for the casino, ensuring incredible winnings. There were twenty-Russian and Thai special offer and yet another had died in the Nigerian Ambassador banker did not know what to do with those $ 18 million left on the account, so he wanted to transfer them on my ....
All this is topped by prestigious Swiss watches at bargain prices and rentals in which, very nearly, you pay them to go ...
short, the pure happiness!
If it were true ...
... I have concluded that Berlusconi is a SPAM! :-( (

Monday, July 19, 2010

Images Of Hairy Testicles



Dolce lover of my thoughts,
I disturb the restless soul of a night without you.
look at the sky and count the stars ad'una
a d’una mentre l’alba e in arrivo:

E giorno , nell’aria sento già il tuo profumo ,
e il desiderio più profondo per riabbracciarti.
Perche tu sei la luce del sole che fa risplendere il mio cuore.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Dark Brown Hair Highlights

Incubo notturno... :-((

Berlusconi died suddenly at the age of 120 years (September 29, 2056). It opens up a fierce struggle for the succession. Candidates Roberto Formigoni, 109 years (03/30/1947), Giulio Tremonti, 109 years (18/08/1947) and Gianfranco Fini, 104 years (01/03/1952). Who will be il nuovo Presidente della Repubblica...di Salò? :-((