Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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Riflessioni su democrazia e futuro

Si, riflessioni che vengono da lontano. Che mi spaventano, ma che non posso più tenere per me. Quello che ha "scatenato" questo post è dovuto alla "mancata" partita della nazionale stasera a Genova. 100 delinquenti serbi hanno sconvolto una città ed impedito che l'incontro si facesse. Niente di dissimile da quanto accaduto in Italia in altre occasioni per "merito" di tifosi italiani. Pochi scalmanati che tengono in ostaggio migliaia di persone e, in modo assolutamente fascista, ottengono risultati "politici" per loro importantissimi. Niente di diverso, a pensarci bene, di tutti i partiti xenofobi e razzisti che dopo aver contaminato le nazioni europee stanno sempre occupying most parliaments and civil democratic debate poisoning. We here is the Northern League, which culminated in Adro, but who for years preached secession, practice racism and homophobia and pollutes the minds of many Italians. With the backing of our Prime Minister, which made its closest ally.
But that will not go forward. Democracy is a fragile creature, still young, and should be protected from these attacks. Has
, which guarantees the freedom, all of the symptoms of his weakness.
I never forget the words of Churchill, who argued: "Democracy is the worst way to govern, except all the others ..."
So, in this West frightened and under attack should perhaps rethink democracy. Understanding what limits should be imposed and what "freedom" must prevent at all costs. Rethink, as did the founding fathers in Italy, to outlaw behavior and organization. But to be, then, resulting in hard and pursue their goals and pursue their enemies.
Well, I'm hoping that democracy becomes strong.
I know it is dangerous even to think. Let alone achieve it. But I also think that, for example, in France, England, Germany, no conservative party rule with the extreme right, unless the infection reaches them not Italian.
And I think of a police state "democratic" but at a big investment on education and culture, to "teach" the basics. That, however, should be sought and established the broadest level possible.
Behold, I no longer believe that we can save it, democracy, not strengthen it and spread it.
In the civilization of the media and the image of democracy is the only spot that needs to go on air every day.
It is right that those who propose to wipe your ass with the flag of his nation can never bring his ass to sit in Parliament.


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