Spesso la vita roses and flowers and sparkles with joy and laughs
of those who suffer,
my heart and always in the evening those who
hide and cry with her grief
dark inside the walls of the houses.
sufferers have lost the dearest thing in the world,
those who suffer for love, I also know that
carry in our hearts the light of love.
They hide and cry from the suffering that surrounds the soul.
I know who suffer and bear within themselves
Unknowingly love.

playful POETRY
My poems will adorn white silk bow before
to you, bringing you
emotions of love.
My poems have a magical sound
you like the thrill of touching
early autumn breeze.
My poems carry a bouquet of roses: The
your favorites.
My poems resemble
most beautiful at dawn and the stars that shine in the sky.
My poems sad
sweetens the soul of an elusive love.
My poems are words that burn in the fiery
My poems are nothing but immense
universe, can speak of love for you.
My poems will adorn white silk bow before
to you, bringing you
emotions of love.
My poems have a magical sound
you like the thrill of touching
early autumn breeze.
My poems carry a bouquet of roses: The
your favorites.
My poems resemble
most beautiful at dawn and the stars that shine in the sky.
My poems sad
sweetens the soul of an elusive love.
My poems are words that burn in the fiery
My poems are nothing but immense
universe, can speak of love for you.

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