Sunday, August 1, 2010

Funny Wedding Reply Card Wording

Mi sorgono pensieri globali...

Dunque, la globalizzazione. Uscendo per un po' dalle miserie italiane, questo è un problema veramente "globale". In occidente si sta delineando un attacco feroce alle conquiste sociali, civili e del mondo del lavoro ottenute the French Revolution onwards. The consolidation of the budgets of countries must be pursued with slaughter of rights, extension of employment, cuts in services. In addition there is a general lowering of wages and salaries. The wealth, increasingly, is in the hands of a few "large", while increasing the number of those who can not make it. The middle class is suffering due to lack of certainty and work. In Italy a vulgar right makes this more obvious and dangerous, but I think the trend is not generalized. It seems incomprehensible. If you squeeze the revenues and cut services as you may think you have a development? If people do not have money in your pocket as it can buy a new car, the last computer model, the house? But the "rich" never make their choices at random. I believe that in their individual countries do not give anything and that only amounts to, ultimately, that is maintained and possibly increased their wealth 'global'. I think they realized that the markets of the West are "mature", that is saturated and that, therefore, the solution is to create new ones. So instead of focusing on innovation, instead of investing in areas such as the green economy, we can maintain production simply replacing obsolete and polluting the markets, creating new ones. So you bet on the Chinese, Indians, Brazilians ... and add three billion "consumers" who must still be machine, washing machine, TV and mobile phone ...
The income of those countries, in fact, are rising slowly, a little 'union for the achievements, our struggles so reminiscent of a century ago, a little' because it increases social consensus to ensure the government in power. In short, I think, given that resources are not infinite must be relocated.
Ultimately, the decline of the West will ensure the capitalists ruling the possibility of increasing consumerism in the rest of the world.
The consequences will be dramatic. The pollution will become uncontrollable. The workers are not simply the modern version of the "slave" of yesteryear. The inevitable tensions sociali saranno represse da apparati di sicurezza sempre più potenti, controllati da loro. La democrazia e la libertà diventeranno un ricordo. In pratica, per rimanere al loro "passato", come produzione e profitti, ci stanno rubando il futuro.
La risposta, ovviamente, non può essere "locale" e non può essere quella dell' "arroccamento" (nazionalismi, chiusure, campanilismi...), ma una nuova forza data alla "politica grande", capace di immaginarsi un futuro diverso, dove diventi prevalente la globalizzazione dei diritti, il mantenimento della terra, la liberazione degli esseri umani, l'emancipazione femminile e, soprattutto, il ridare ai giovani una speranza di futuro.
E questo è un lavoro di "sinistra"!
to promote in Europe and throughout the West. A horizon that, even in Italy, should make us realize that we can not chase the leagues or the "miracle properties" of Berlusconi.
A new horizon, to be filled with content, involving the experience and motivating passions.
A fascinating work, if we can do it ...


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