Tuesday, August 31, 2010

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Whenever you're near me, I put out my hand to hold you
and my silence is confused with our feet into the night.
does not matter if my mouth has nothing to say,
listen to my silence on the road of our journey, you do not need words to understand
I love you.
My eyes will never cease to look at your beautiful face
with your beautiful brown eyes.
you who did not ask anything that might upset
Our love and that is why I admire you and love you.
Now I have to ask your hand in mine, and not to mention
'll take you to the altar.

Monday, August 16, 2010

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You are my only love I have loved,
and love for life.
I wish you come back as a return to my thoughts for you.
Love can not live without you, can not live like a flower. Without water

and a swallow to fly without wings.
How shall I do without your love? "I love you.
And I would like to come back to me.
I feel an emptiness inside of me, I would like this void that makes me suffer the
I filled you with your love I miss her so much.
Thinking of you I saw a shooting star, I made a wish, desire
What are you: Love back to me that my heart aches for you.
I love you.


my eyes in the dark stretch

gaze skyward to reach the most beautiful star of the universe
and give it to you, little flower of my heart.
His light that can illuminate your heart
to tell me all the love you feel for me.
The night keeps me prisoner in this dark room
without you as a jealous lover.
write the poem dedicated to you, the moon peeping through the window
read my lines and slowly leave the shadow
and if the door on.
In deep sleep the moon comes to your dream, you will
my poem dedicated you: Love
're the most beautiful star in the universe that can exist

Thursday, August 5, 2010

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The sky darkens to gray clouds and I do not know what to do.
I watch the rain falling on the ground, wet
everything that is beneath it. A bit 'of sadness comes inside me,
with everything I do not regret, I think of my love that's waiting for me,
while the rain continues to fall.
I watch the rain falling in front of me, reminds me of my childhood
outspoken and carefree.
Everything passes, the memories remain of a life lived, as the rain continues to fall.
is a ritual that is repeated thousands of years: On the mound seemed a sign of love,
(Rainbow): The clouds disappear, the sun shines,
warms the earth and loving hearts.


Stento hand on your head, your hair
fine silk, your eyes beautiful color
and the light of thy face
ch'illumini my silent love ,
as the quiet calm of the sea. You

small and fragile girl you stole my heart, and
my youth, but I know you!
Perhaps you've ever known.
With your wonderful light and bright, I caught myself as

a mermaid in the ocean depths.
You are my love, which is a dream come true
. I can hardly

hand slowly over your head, stroking your hair silky soft
gaze fixed in your blue eyes, and my
breaks silence to tell you a little '
more: I love you ...!


I saw you in the sea flushed from the August sun, I
appeared beautiful, charming, sweet
tanned to the color of chocolate, you were beautiful, really beautiful
that I stood speechless.
I approached you and me with a smile colpisti diabolical
beautiful moment I will never forget.
romantic evenings spent with you under the moonlight,
embraced by the sea.
Now that you're not near me I still feel the smell
and the drowsiness of your lips.
A tear falls from my face, but feelings do not fly away.
I'll be waiting eagerly in my arms:
You are my love Never gonna let.


On a rock to observe the movement of the waves,
My love on a boat with silent strokes dreamily
approaches to me that breaks the scorching heat of a day in August.
A dip in salt water, clear and sparkling, just us
suspended by the waves, I caressed your soft skin perfumed
the smell of the sea.
The sun sets and we just hugged on the beach waiting
calasse What to tell the night under the moonlight
romantic words.

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Ghe pensi mi!

Cero! You can rule a country like a business!

However, taking into mind that the company has in its essence, two Key features:

1 - The company is not Democrats, but organized in a hierarchy.

2 - The company, by its nature, aims to profit. The profit goes to its owner.

So, I repeat, you can govern a country like a business, but in the rest of the world, this is called a DICTATORSHIP!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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Listen to your heart will not ever leave it, love it as not
you never loved, because
the strength of your heart will lift all obstacles,
raise a mountain that separates you with her.
Listen to your heart never disappoints,
will bring happiness in the world, crossing the sea and mountains.
Do not stop anyone because the strength of your heart
that takes you from your love.
Listen to your heartbeat, the vibrations of love In the air expand
love bringing you to your destination. Do not stand
react listen to your heart,
love is in the depths of your heart.
What brings you in a positive dimension.
One day I'll write a book of secrets and silence, to write and for all tea
those who have suffered for love.
will always love life more because the poet can fly between the infinite silences in the middle of the night
write words of our
love to have believed in a love full of passion and happiness
So write a story that we lived together
Now how am I without your love?
Your kisses you gave the seashore
tanned by the sun and hot in August?
I remain the memories of you will write about my book,
that one day someone will read it and remember me
I loved someone more than my life.


so I did not think that loneliness was so bitter.
In the middle of the night, look at the stars, I feel lost without
love my neighbor. Dark and scary night,
without the light of your eyes do not see my way. (To reach your heart).
darkness of the night I feel lonely, look around and see no one,
I see a falling star, that star is you ch'illumini our love.
is why I am afraid of loneliness, that I am alone,
even my shadow looked at me with contempt because they are only

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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

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Bossi e il federalismo.

We put together a little 'facts.

1- La Lega è un partito centralista, dove Bossi comanda in modo assoluto. Tutti quelli che hanno provato a distinguersi anche di poco sono stati segati.
2- La base ideologica della Lega è fatta di "Roma ladrona". Basti pensare all'ultima esternazione del Senatur sullo stato delinquente che ruba i soldi ai poveri padani (dimenticando che è al governo da anni con Berlusconi). Quello che li tiene insieme, dunque, è solo la chimera del federalismo, che risolverà di colpo tutti i problemi.
3- Appena è scoppiata la crisi Berlusconi-Fini il Senatur ha subito detto che avrebbe sostenuto il premier, costi quello che costi, perchè il federalismo "va portato a casa". Ha immediatamente escluso di poter sostenere un governo tecnico, anche se guidato da Tremonti o Draghi, che certamente sono federalisti.
4- E' probabile che la crisi possa sfociare in elezioni anticipate...

Parliamo un po' di federalismo.

Lasciando da parte i costi che una riforma federale potrebbe avere, un federalismo accettabile deve possedere alcune caratteristiche. Non può spaccare il Paese, quindi deve prevedere compensazioni per le zone svantaggiate. Deve dare poteri effettivi alle regioni e ai comuni, in materia di imposte per le prime e di gestione di servizi pagati con queste imposte per i secondi
Avvierebbe, cioè, come succede in Germania, negli Stati Uniti, in Svizzera... un'autonomia effettiva dei territori e la nuova classe dirigente, as in those countries, would be formed at local level, with the popular consensus for the way they will goovernato and agreements between all national leaders to nominate. Pre-


A federalism of this kind could not possibly Bossi pleasure. First, because it would be disputed by the Po Valley, convinced that the south should not go at all. Second, because the presidents of the region would have autonomy and a real power and could, therefore, leave immediately by the dictates of the Head and absolutely central to a party.
The early elections, finally, would be a disaster, probably irretrievably, for Italy, but would allow the Boss to the campaign shouting ai traditori che hanno affossato il federalismo.

Conclusioni effettive

Il federalismo, per Bossi, sarebbe una sciagura. Metterebbe fine alla sua stessa ragione di esistere, come partito e, soprattutto, come Capo.


Monday, August 2, 2010

White Wolf What Does It Mean

C'è un nuovo gruppo su Facebook...

...a cui ho aderito. Si chiama La pelle dell'orso e questo è il link:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

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Mi sorgono pensieri globali...

Dunque, la globalizzazione. Uscendo per un po' dalle miserie italiane, questo è un problema veramente "globale". In occidente si sta delineando un attacco feroce alle conquiste sociali, civili e del mondo del lavoro ottenute the French Revolution onwards. The consolidation of the budgets of countries must be pursued with slaughter of rights, extension of employment, cuts in services. In addition there is a general lowering of wages and salaries. The wealth, increasingly, is in the hands of a few "large", while increasing the number of those who can not make it. The middle class is suffering due to lack of certainty and work. In Italy a vulgar right makes this more obvious and dangerous, but I think the trend is not generalized. It seems incomprehensible. If you squeeze the revenues and cut services as you may think you have a development? If people do not have money in your pocket as it can buy a new car, the last computer model, the house? But the "rich" never make their choices at random. I believe that in their individual countries do not give anything and that only amounts to, ultimately, that is maintained and possibly increased their wealth 'global'. I think they realized that the markets of the West are "mature", that is saturated and that, therefore, the solution is to create new ones. So instead of focusing on innovation, instead of investing in areas such as the green economy, we can maintain production simply replacing obsolete and polluting the markets, creating new ones. So you bet on the Chinese, Indians, Brazilians ... and add three billion "consumers" who must still be machine, washing machine, TV and mobile phone ...
The income of those countries, in fact, are rising slowly, a little 'union for the achievements, our struggles so reminiscent of a century ago, a little' because it increases social consensus to ensure the government in power. In short, I think, given that resources are not infinite must be relocated.
Ultimately, the decline of the West will ensure the capitalists ruling the possibility of increasing consumerism in the rest of the world.
The consequences will be dramatic. The pollution will become uncontrollable. The workers are not simply the modern version of the "slave" of yesteryear. The inevitable tensions sociali saranno represse da apparati di sicurezza sempre più potenti, controllati da loro. La democrazia e la libertà diventeranno un ricordo. In pratica, per rimanere al loro "passato", come produzione e profitti, ci stanno rubando il futuro.
La risposta, ovviamente, non può essere "locale" e non può essere quella dell' "arroccamento" (nazionalismi, chiusure, campanilismi...), ma una nuova forza data alla "politica grande", capace di immaginarsi un futuro diverso, dove diventi prevalente la globalizzazione dei diritti, il mantenimento della terra, la liberazione degli esseri umani, l'emancipazione femminile e, soprattutto, il ridare ai giovani una speranza di futuro.
E questo è un lavoro di "sinistra"!
to promote in Europe and throughout the West. A horizon that, even in Italy, should make us realize that we can not chase the leagues or the "miracle properties" of Berlusconi.
A new horizon, to be filled with content, involving the experience and motivating passions.
A fascinating work, if we can do it ...