many, many replies to the message last night, even in private. I'm happy. I reconfirm that even in a time like this, that mix of regret and disappointment, there are a myriad of flames kindled on the prospects for the future. Feed them, put them together and make one big "fire" must be the prospect. Difficult, exhausting, but exhilarating. A friend challenged me, kindly, for I have spoken of "myths" and "heroes" to build and impose. I would like to explain. When he spoke, in relation to the plan to build a new Italy, had in mind by the heroes and myths that have merit and made known through the tools we're standing. The name I had in mind was that of George Ambrosoli. Together with Falcone and Borsellino, Peppino Impastato .... along with all those who dedicate their lives to serve the country and certainly would not have wanted to become "heroes" ... memory. If we can help costruire un grande progetto troveremo migliaia di "eroi" e di "miti", ognuno nel proprio campo, con la propria competenza, ognuno un mattone della ricostruzione culturale e morale dell'Italia.
Per questo la rete ci offre un'occasione imperdibile. Ricordate i 200.000 volontari di Obama? Anche noi dobbiamo diventare "territorio" e "progetto" allo stesso tempo. E' il tempo di costruire il "sogno" e di farlo divenire "realtà ".
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