When updating the blog after a period of unauthorized absence, which is also shown on the official website where everything was not always updated to the latest events. We will try to remain aligned as possible in the rest of season. Resume
comments after watching the last home game against Biella, Biella and I stress not the golden age of LosAngeles Lakers .... is not a good impression so sweat to win at home against "Biella", and there are no excuses for absences and various diseases.
The team turns bad surprise you leave too easy to defend, is the arrival of a young (Plumari) with the determination and the will to defend to sound the alarm.
few games and badly managed, it is presently the trand featuring the Armani on Saturday night.
The Gods of the 'Olympia' and we thought about sending a team to save the unexpected and excited that Kaiser Shultz backed by a young and talented Prodo (il Gallo) tengono a galla e danno un strappo alla partita, il che ci permettera di chiudere vittoriosi questa battaglia.
Ma la guerra è ben più dura di così e le battaglie che ci aspettano saranno assai più ardue da vincere e, senza nulla togliere ai due eroi di sabato sera, l'Olimpia di oggi deve poter fare affidamento non solo sul cuore del valoroso soldato tedesco o sul talento della recluta promettente, ma ci vogliono generali che sappiano muovere le truppe e corazzate pronte a sfondare....